Thursday, September 13, 2012

Missing and Giving

Summer is over.  There is still a little warmth in the sun, but nobody is jumping in the pool now.  There was snow at our local ski hill this week.  Snow!  Plus friends from home are posting beautiful Spring photos on facebook.  I miss Spring. Crocus peeping through the ground, crisp air, white legs making their first appearance in months.  That said, I love Fall here.                                                                                                    I miss my family.  I feel blessed to have seen so many of them this year, but I miss being close to them.  Maybe it is because I am attempting to shop for Christmas so I can get my parcel in the mail next month.  On that, any fabulous ideas for truly fabulous people who deserve thoughtful gifts? I try to think what I would like to receive to inspire me, but I would always request books or suggest a charity giving gift.  One year I sent my sister (who always manages to ignore my requests for gift ideas) this email.                                                                                                                                                                                     Please................................................................................. Open-mouth smile
oh please, could you answer with 5 or 6 ideas, maybe a couple under $20 and as many others as you can.
Think of segments of your life:
Something for your home:
Something to help have an adventure:
Something for a hobby:
Something to bless you:
Something frivolous:
 Something to encourage you to dream:                                                                                                                                               Ok, copy and paste, just right what comes to mind, don't over think it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   And she did.  And it was awesome.  I would have never guessed she wanted her own fishing knife, because our Dad (the most generous man in the world) tended not to share his in the boat when fishing!